Thursday, June 28, 2012


You know that feeling of being on top of the world and nothing can bring you down that comes with pregnancy?  Today, I'm there.  Not that I'm ever not a happy person.  It's hard to explain but it's almost like nothing can stress me out.  I guess it's the feeling of being blessed.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I guess this post should have come earlier but I didn't write about it when it happened. Towards the beginning of May I had a thought that I might conceive that month. What brought on that thought? I won't go into details but it had to do with something that had my doctor give me a call. I had expressed concern to a dear nurse friend and she relayed my concerns to my obgyn. In no time he had called to see exactly what was going on and to ease my mind. Can I just say I have THE best doctor ever? Somewhere between the event and the end of our conversation the thought crossed my mind that maybe my body was preparing itself for a baby. Then when we were on vacation the thought crossed my mind. I guess I should pay attention to my intuition. Especially when I went from not being confident things would happen quickly to thinking it probably would that month.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Growing Along

Here we are at 8 week, 1 day and it is becoming more and more obvious that I am expecting.  I have been fortunate enough to not have any morning sickness with this pregnancy.  I am so glad about that!  So far this pregnancy is very similar to my pregnancy with Micah.  The only differences I have noticed is increased emotions (I am so emotional these days) and I am growing much faster.  I started having round ligament pains today.  Pretty severe round ligament pains.  I was trying to remember when I started having those with Micah.  I honestly don't remember exactly, but I do know it was after 10 weeks. I remember that because it was after I started seeing my current obgyn, and that was after 10 weeks.  I am definitely bigger now than I was at 10 weeks with Micah.  I guess that you really do start to show earlier with your second pregnancy.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Secret is Out

I hadn't realized how much I had been holding my excitement for this pregnancy in.  I knew I was trying to hide it so no one would realize that something was up, but now that we have told everyone it feels great and I am super excited!

We told everyone using the big brother shirt in the previous post.  Apparently people don't read shirts like we thought they do.  We almost had to tell them all (the parents and grandparents) to read it.  As expected, everyone is super excited.  It is truly amazing that God has opened the opportunity for us to be parents to a precious, sweet, handsome baby boy and kept the gate open.  We are blessed beyond measure.  

The Bump...Week 7 and Micah's New Shirt

 7 weeks (week behind posting pic)
Be happy when this is a "real" baby bump and not just bloat and fat.

Happy news!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Our Life

Our Life

This is my attempt at creating a video to announce our pregnancy.  Of course the thing moves past the tests so fast you have to be quick to read them!  My initial idea was to show parents and grandparents the pictures we get back from Micah's 1st birthday shoot with sonogram pictures but we need a back up plan.  It's looking more and more like I won't be able to make it for another 3 weeks.  I'm going to be showing much sooner than last time.  I can already tell a difference.

Monday, June 18, 2012

7 weeks

Today we hit the 7 week mark.  I will start with weekly pictures.  Not much to show right now.  Yes, I am showing but only very minimally.  No one could really tell other than Scott and me.  I actually look pregnant to others because of the little gut I still have and the bloating is back in a major type of way.  Everyone keeps asking me about being pregnant and if we've had any luck so I think they are all beginning to suspect I am (because of that gut).  I've already set a goal for myself to lose it all after this baby gets here. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

 This was the first test I took.  You can barely see the positive line but it was there (just like my first test with Micah).  Maybe this is why Scott wasn't convinced.
These convinced him!

Starting to Show

Starting this pregnancy I had some extra weight in the midsection that I need to get rid of.  I even had someone ask if I was expecting again because I seriously did look pregnant.  Since finding out about this pregnancy I have been eating better.  If anyone really looks at me closely that knows me and my build they will definitely figure out that something is going on.  As far as actual weight, I weigh the same, but things are definitely developing.  I think I will start taking weekly pics next week.  Might even take one tonight.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Emotional Day

The pregnancy hormones seem to be in full swing today.  I have been weepy ever since I dropped Micah off at daycare and he started crying.  It breaks my heart to see Micah crying but especially today.  I'm going to blame it on hormones a little.  And then I've been overwhelmed thinking how it's only 8 months (or less) away before this baby arrives.  I honestly don't know if I am going to be able to handle having two babies crying for me not to go.  Not working isn't an option, no matter how much I wish it was.

On a happier note, only 4 weeks and some days before our first ultrasound.  After that we'll spread our news to family and close friends.  I guess co-workers will be told soon after.  I'm not sure when I will make it Facebook official.  I'm assuming it won't take long for something to hit my wall once people start finding out.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Keeping Our Secret = Lies

I am really into the idea of keeping our news secret now.  I'm thinking I want to tell everyone the week after we get our sonogram done.  We can tell our families and church family Sunday and then work and Facebook friends the next day or whenever.  That Monday we'll be 11 weeks and almost out of the "danger zone".  BUT, keeping our secret already sucks.  I was asked by a friend at work how the family building was going and had we had any success yet.  I had to outright lie and I absolutely, positively HATE that!  I felt bad enough finding out I told my uncle I wasn't pregnant when I was (he asked before I knew), but this is a whole new ballgame.  I hope no one else asks before we are ready to tell.  :-/

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Keeping The Secret and First OB Appointment

I have decided to set this blog to private until we are ready to announce our big news. By making it private I can update the bog without having to create a million drafts to publish later.  When will we announce the big news?  We're not totally sure yet.  I have been struggling with how my friends who have had recent miscarriages will take the news.  While I know they will be excited for me, I also imagine my pregnancy announcement will bring lots of emotions.  I figure the longer I give them to process their emotions, the less painful it will be for them.  I always wondered why people found it so hard to tell me they were expecting when we were trying for all of those years.  While my situation was light years away from what they have been through, now I can understand.  I've also decided to not update Facebook with my pregnancy details regularly once we tell.  Instead, I will update on this blog, and maybe Twitter.

Now for an update on this pregnancy.

This morning I had my first OB appointment.  I saw the nurse practitioner for this first visit but will be seeing my doctor in the future.  All went well.  She noted my due date as February 6, 2013 but it will actually be February 4, 2013 since my cycles have been 26 days and not 28.  I guess two days don't really matter much in the grand scheme of things.  If we go by her calculations I am 4 weeks, 6 days and got a positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks, 5 days.  I think I'll keep with my dates.

My next visit will be the 11th of July.  I will have an ultrasound and see my doctor that day.  They wanted to see me in a month but that fell on the 4th of July so it was either do it a week before or a week after.  I chose a week after so that the ultrasound will provide more details.  :-)  I can't wait to see this precious little one!

Positively Pregnant

May 30th

I think Scott was skeptical about the positive results I had gotten.  Even though I had already taken two tests with positive results he insisted on me taking another test...just to be sure.  I took one and didn't see it working like I normally do so thought it was a dud.  We had to go to town to get his grandma a birthday present so he bought me a package of three tests.  Well, by the time we got back to the house the test I took before going to town had worked and said positive.  I used one of the three he bought and again, got an instant positive.  I think he is finally convinced.  I also think we are both a little overwhelmed at the thought of actually having two babies to care for.  Thinking of having two and then it being a reality really changes things.

I'm not sure how Micah is going to handle having a baby around.  He will be 21 months old when the baby arrives.  It seems like the older he gets the more of a Momma's baby he becomes.  He has also shown jealousy with the grandparents and other children recently.  I never want him to fear that he is any less loved because there is another child around.  I am already starting to tell him how loved he will always be and that he will always be my baby boy.

I am excited and terrified at the same time.  And I can't wait to be able to tell everyone.  I'm still trying to figure out when the best time will be to tell.

Cautiously Excited

May 29th

We returned from vacation Sunday and I found an old pregnancy test in the cabinet.  I decided if I hadn't started my cycle when I woke up yesterday (my first cycle day) I would test just for the heck of it.  I've really had no indication to make me even think I might be pregnant besides some pretty severe cramping on the 25th or 26th, which could have been related to my oncoming cycle.  The test was $1 when I bought it several months back.  I fully expected for it to be one line with a completely blank slate to the left of the control line.  To my amazement there was a slight line indicating positive.  I took it outside to Scott and asked him if he saw anything and he said barely.  I had some pretty severe cramping right after lunch and got sick to my stomach.  This made me want to test again even more.

This morning I stopped by the stored and bought a Fist Response test.  This was the name brand that gave me my sure enough positive with Micah so I trust the brand.  Sure enough, there was a positive line about as soon as the control line appeared.  Looks like we are now waiting for number two to arrive.  I've scheduled an appointment for June 5th with my doctor.  Now to decide when to tell.  It's hard because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and don't want to tell too soon in case something happens.